I contacted author Sandra Dallas..."widely heralded for her sharp historian’s eye, her ear for authentic dialogue, and her knack for creating endearing characters," to sign a signature block for Jo's Library Quilt. She accepted and when she returned her block, she returned my letter with a note..."Good luck with your library fundraiser. Sandra." And she enclosed 10 bucks! OUR FIRST DONATION! I couldn't believe it! I called everyone involved and said we're on our way and we haven't even advertised!
So it was suggested that I frame the 10 bucks. That's what every business does with their first buck, right? And we'll hang it in the NEW library! But I had to thank Sandra first. So I checked out her website, again, and what did I find? She's coming to Utah, to the very same quaint, beautiful THE KING'S ENGLISH BOOKSHOP for a book signing (where Jennifer Chiaverinni, my inspiration had her book signing)!
I rushed to the framing store to get the 10 bucks & my letter framed and off hubby and I went to meet Sandra Dallas and get the matt signed! This was was husband Michael's first book signing and a special treat for me that he's sharing in my project! Oh yes...and stuffed in my bag was her quilt square with her signature incorporated to SHOW OFF!!! Compliments of you know who...my Quilt Coordinator who just happens to be our Coalville Librarian, Yvonne Judd (and she says it's one of her favorite squares so far!).
And then I get to show the quilt square to Sandra with her signature incorporated. I have to admit, she was impressed (thank you Yvonne, dear. You've done it again!). Sandra was so impressed, she is going to donate a book for the BOOK COLLECTION too! (P.S. IT JUST ARRIVED TODAY...5/20/10...talk about efficient! Thank you Sandra! Just like you promised!)
(Not that I'm a name dropper but look at the signature next to Sandra's...DEAN KOONTZ, cool, eh?)
But the real highlight of the night? Listening to Sandra Dallas. I keep saying, and I said it after Jennifer Chiaverini's book signing and after researching the generous author's websites, my new retirement plan: travel around the U.S. to all of the book signings of ALL of the authors who have signed Jo's Library Quilt! Now that's an aggressive plan, don't you think?
Sandra was a delight to listen to and very entertaining! She explained how ideas from her novels usually just "pop" into her mind as she's walking from room to room. But not with her new book WHITER THAN SNOW! She still doesn't have a clue where the grand story came from but I suggest you run and get a copy... it's a page-turner! And Sandra was a journalist for 35 years prior to writing her novels so the flow does come easily!
Our First 10 Bucks Received for Jo's Library Quilt;
Arrived With Signed Quilt Square From Author Sandra Dallas!
This Will Be Displayed In Our New Library...Currently on Display in our Library Now!!!
Sandra signing her new release WHITER THAN SNOW;
"On a spring afternoon in 1920, Swandyke-a small town near Colorado's Tenmile Range-is changed forever. Just moments after 4 o'clock, a large split of snow separates of Jubilee Mountain..."
That's all you get now...go get your copy, it's waiting for you!
Another special treat was authors Will and Laura Bagley visiting Sandra's booking signing. They also shared in the discussions and made the evening just that more memorable!
Will Bagley, is an Utah historian, specializing in early pioneer history of Utah and of the western United States. What a blast! A picture tells a thousand words, right?
(Author of Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain and more...check him out!)
Store Manager Anne Holman was present, great lady, and assisted us with some photos. (Thanks Anne for the help AND for your great venue, again!)
It was a thoroughly enchanting evening. My husband and I left, stopped for a quick bite to eat and discussed the evening's events. I asked him what he liked most about the evening. He replied..."Watching you intermigling with everyone and having the time of your life." What a perfect night (or should I say, perfect husband!)